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Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 10:33 pm
by ManofWar
#1 Rule: Just Have Fun!

We try to be laid back on this server and the staff actually play the game here more then being on a staff account. Let's keep it that way, if it is your goal to just make people miserable do us a favor and just leave now. We try to not have cussing in world chat, we know sometimes things slip and we understand. But if you go on a rant of blatant cussing in any world chat you will be warned or just jailed. If you insist on this type of behavior then we will have no choice but to ban and delete your account. Also try to keep foul language to a minimum in towns and meeting areas, This could also wind you up in jail.

Do not use any glitch to give you an advantage, if you find a glitch tell a staff member or report it. If you are caught using a glitch, lets say to dupe gold or something of that nature it will be instant ban.

Do not sit at special places and try to keep others from enjoying it. If you are at a spawn and others show up, take turns and let all enjoy the game. We expect the players to use common sence when playing here. If it seems like it may be dumb or stupid to other players, then please don't do it.

There are two house's per account. Castles, Large Towers, and Keeps are available plus special buys that I will not mention here. There is a 1500 skill cap and stat caps are 375, plus the purchase of special stat caps or individual stat caps. Be observant for STAFF PLACED SIGNS. These signs indicate rules. I will do my best to notify players of any changes I make regarding the rules on the web page.

These rules are your only warning so learn them and live them. You have no excuses and there really is nothing hard to follow. It is also your duty to watch the web page for any new rules. You could be banned permanently if found breaking rules. Please have fun and bring friends too and enjoy Dragon Lords. It is what it is, My shard, my rules, my vision of how this server should be. I will always do what I think benefits Dragon Lords the most.
Every Sunday Night the shard will shut down for upgrades, script changes, file changes, maintenance, ect. You will be notified upon start up of the shard through the MOTD gump as to what changes if any were made and whether you will need to download more patches. The shard update page has a date tag so you can tell if you need any updates. I make it pretty clear when I do updates. There are so many unique item's on this shard it would do the player an injustice to tell all of what they are and I wouldn't take the joy of finding out away from the player. For Example, we will have new maps eventually. Also We have new crafting resources. It should be fun to find all our extras! You have received a generous amount of starting items in your backpack. Your First Char comes with a 7x gm token and a stat ball for max stats in your backpack. Please above all else, have fun. This is a waste of space and time if no one has fun and please, don't forget to set up your vendors. The players set the economy! Those castles, keeps, and towers won't place themselves.

So Welcome to Dragon Lords and may your journeys be abounding with riches!